Five Tips for Building Tomorrow’s Intelligent Campus



你期望在大学校园里找到很多聪明的人——但不仅仅是学生和教师聪明:今天, the campus itself is intelligent!

A new technical revolution is coming to higher education. 它不仅仅是课堂上的合作教学和学习体验, 或连接, real-time 太ls for administration and IT teams. Thanks to digital transformation, 这场革命还包括自动化管理监控的智能楼宇和智能校园解决方案, operations and safety across the entire campus. 这是多么聪明啊?

支持这些创新需要高性能连接,以便在整个大学基础设施中安全地传递数据和通信. Unfortunately, this basic requirement is just not available on all campuses.

在最近的一次会议上, 我碰到了苏珊。, 他是一所大型州立大学的IT主管,该大学专注于科学研究. 多年来, 为了满足不断增长的带宽需求,该大学为不同的院系和应用增加了越来越多的独立IT网络, 随着需求的增加. 对于IT团队来说,管理这种网络大杂烩一直是一个巨大的痛苦. 但随着这些网络在处理从学生Wi-Fi连接到研究实验室之间的数据流和物联网校园安全解决方案等各个方面变得越来越重要, 保持这种由多个重叠网络拼凑而成的安全可靠已成为一场噩梦. It literally keeps Susan up at night, 特别是因为这所大学的政府资助研究现在需要先进的数据安全水平. 在分散的网络基础设施上实现这种程度的数据保护几乎是不可能的.

Pensive female IT director for blog post

Unfortunately, Susan’s situation is not at all uncommon. 处理校园底层IT和通信网络的复杂性是她的团队日常职责的主要部分, 没有时间和资源为学生提供更多的创新服务, 研究人员, faculty members and university administrators.

However, this cloud does have a silver lining. 我向苏珊提供了以下建议,帮助她将大学现有的网络发展成一个强大的网络, secure and easily managed foundation for digital innovation.

• Choose a single, robust network ecosystem that can connect all the people, processes, facilities, and devices on the campus. 这个单一的基础设施将作为所有校园IT和通信系统的基础. The key word 在这里 is “single.“一个完全集成的网络可以让大学IT团队用一个真正统一的方法来解决管理校园网络的复杂性,让所有IT和通信系统作为一个单一的系统一起工作, 可靠的网络. Unified management also provides a common set of network services, 政策, and authentication processes that apply to all users, ensuring consistent QoS on any device, 在校园里的任何地方.

• Deploy a layered approach to network security to protect against hackers. 安全 has to be a fundamental component in the campus network infrastructure, particularly since campuses are gold mines of valuable data. 在某种程度上,这是因为许多校园网最初的设计是为了方便连接, which also makes them relatively simple to hack. Given today’s skyrocketing levels of cybercrime, 为了保护敏感的大学数据,需要一个具有全网络虚拟化和物联网遏制的多层安全策略.

• 确保校园物理安全基础设施连接到可靠的实时网络. 对于学生和教师来说,校园和大学并不总是安全的,这是一个可悲的现实. 确保您的网络支持提供态势感知的实时应急通信解决方案, response coordination and emergency mass notification systems.

• 支持 student success and academic achievement. 今天的学生对连接服务抱有很高的期望,这些服务为教师和学生带来了数字超级能力. 一个强大的网络支持最新的教学和学习技术,并通过打破信息孤岛,开辟了合作和分享聪明想法和见解的新途径.

University student collaborating for blog post

• Reduce IT overload with smart, automated network management 太ls. 像Susan这样的IT专业人员需要一个单视图管理接口来管理网络基础设施的复杂性. 这提供了一套统一的工具来配置、监控、分析和排除网络故障. The platform has to be able to scale quickly to meet new requirements, support the latest applications—including rapid growth for mobility, 物联网和智能建筑应用,并通过自动化和网络自配置简化操作.

A network for tomorrow—and beyond!
I hope this checklist helps guide your thinking, 太, 当你计划升级你的网络和通信基础设施,为智能数字校园奠定基础.
But as I assured my friend Susan, 不要让改变你目前的人际关系的想法给你已经很紧张的日程安排增加更多的麻烦. 阿尔卡特朗讯企业版提供的解决方案和服务可以帮助消除流程风险和痛苦.




Global Sales Lead, 教育 Vertical

格雷格Kovich leads global sales for ALE’s 教育 vertical.  Greg has overseen or created several 教育解决方案s including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “安全的校园” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic 教育的连续性” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 





Supply chain resilience and business adaptability



教育 today: Why modernising campus networks is a must



Revitalise education with a modern campus network

一个现代, campus-wide network upgrade aligns capabilities with academic, research and business priorities today and tomorrow. 


Solve education challenges with a modern campus network

一个现代 campus network helps streamline operations, 降低成本, and offers a safe and caring place to work and study.
