Campus Safety and Crisis Management – Awareness

Greg Kovich
January 16, 2019

鉴于不同的传感器,提高对校园安全事件的认识并不是一项微不足道的任务 & alarms that may be involved. It requires an integrated approach.


Of course you have! ——可能是几十次,当然,这种欲望在危机时期是最强烈的.

Let’s look at our experience with weather radar. 在多普勒雷达(NEXRAD)被引入美国之前, 从龙卷风预报到着陆的时间是6分钟. 多普勒雷达不仅将预警时间提高到了平均19分钟, 但在这额外的13分钟里,对风暴路径的预测要准确得多. 事实证明,多普勒技术在保护生命和财产方面是无价的. 


传统的校园安全解决方案侧重于大规模通知. This is a critical component in any crisis, 但是,将事件意识结合起来可以将安全性提升到一个新的水平. After all, the more forewarning you and your team have, 你就有更多的时间准备和传达安全指令.


鉴于可能涉及到不同的传感器和警报,提高对校园安全事件的认识并不是一项微不足道的任务. But, similar to cybersecurity risk assessment, 您的机构可以识别最大的风险,并将这些设备/传感器/事件集成到一个系统中,提醒关键人员.

For example, 一些设备/传感器是任何校园安全解决方案的基础, including fire alarms, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, natural gas detection, video surveillance cameras, emergency calls (911 or 112), and building door locks.

将这些传感器/警报集成到一个提醒维护的中央平台中, security, administration, 其他掌握具体位置和背景信息的关键人员对于迅速解决事件至关重要. 财产损失和对教学的影响降到最低. Even more, 现场人员可以与到达的第一响应者会面,并就如何最好地处理情况进行协调和合作.

想象一下下面的场景—CO监控器报警(运动中心的热水锅炉发生故障). With an integrated awareness solution, maintenance, security, 大楼管理人员会立即收到一氧化碳浓度过高的警报. 调动维护和安全团队成员. They rapidly gain an understanding of the problem, collaborate on the steps need to be taken, coordinate with administration, 制作并传播适当的校园大众通知信息.

一些机构需要更复杂的设备监控接口, 例如冰箱/冰柜温度计甚至体育场金属探测器. 有些人甚至想扩大对暖通空调系统或公用事业公司电力供应的认识.



1. Awareness

2. Coordination and collaboration with professionals

3. Mass notification

我们提供支持这三个阶段的解决方案. 它们完全集成到一个中央控制面板中,该控制面板还提供日志文件和审计跟踪,用于事后分析和培训.


In subsequent blogs, 我将讨论剩下的两个阶段——协调和协作以及大规模通知.

如果你想了解更多火狐体育手机的校园安全和危机管理解决方案, please visit the links for podcasts, brochures, white papers, customer references, and thought leadership videos.

Greg Kovich

Greg Kovich

Global Sales Lead, Education Vertical

Greg Kovich领导ALE教育垂直业务的全球销售.  Greg has overseen or created several Education solutions including “The Fundamentals of Communications” – a vendor neutral course on digital network communications; “Safe Campus” – a solution uniting emergency alerts with first responder collaboration and mass notification; “Secure Campus” – a solution that allows instructors to limit student network access to determined sites; and “Pandemic Education Continuity” – a solution that enables classroom instruction in the event the institution is closed due to health or environmental crisis. 


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