Giving meaning to tech

Philippe Bletterie
七月 08, 2022

ALE通过包容性和可访问性为技术带来意义, improving societal, 环境和工作/生活的平衡.


While the recent global health crisis separated us in many ways, it also united us. 随着世界迅速做出反应,保持社交距离, masking, 旅行和活动取消, technology was called on to help ensure we stayed connected with our loved ones, provide alternative contactless ways of keeping businesses going and ensure our humanity stayed intact.

随着我们进入新常态, 被一场非同寻常的全球经历打得伤痕累累,但没有被打败, we are looking ahead at the role that technology can contribute, not just functionally, but from a societal, 环境和包容性观点. 这是关于我们如何为技术和创新“赋予意义”. 在阿尔卡特朗讯企业公司, 我们致力于以积极的方式影响世界, through the solutions and services we offer and in how we act as a company. 作为网络和通信解决方案的提供商, we support government municipalities and companies in the digitalisation of services. We also help cities and territories to reduce the digital divide by setting up efficient, 可靠和自动化的网络, 公共网络和公共Wi-Fi. 这使得在城市中实施新的服务成为可能, 此外,它还可以提高企业的效率, 更有效率,更有竞争力.

It’s clear that the global pandemic accelerated the race to remote working and hybrid working environments. 阿尔卡特朗讯企业版Rainbow™ 提供高质量远程协作的工具, 是否进行音频交换, video conferences, chat, or document sharing.

在这个行动受限的时期, not only has Rainbow provided a superior remote communications and collaboration solution, 它也减少了旅行的需要, as we all know, is better for the planet. Additionally, 在机场待的时间越少,自己的时间就越多, for one’s family, 为了更好地平衡工作和生活. 同样重要的是要注意, that remote working environments create opportunities for individuals ― who would otherwise be challenged to get to an office ― to work and contribute as an integral part of the team.

在公民服务方面, over the last few years we have been involved in the digital transformation of a number of cities and territories in France, in an effort to bring digitalised services to the population at large. Thanks in part to the France Relance funding plan we have seen acceleration in digitalisation implementation. For example, 我们已经建立了在线预约工具, and the creation of online surveys for better citizen participation. 我们甚至正在研究在线投票解决方案.

These steps toward technology allow citizens and tourists to more easily interact with city services, in any language, 不用去任何地方, 通过机器人或代理进行交互, using audio or video, 满足每个人的期望和沟通偏好.

在弥合数字鸿沟方面, ALE recently published a case study where new services and more than 10,000 IP telephones were deployed among the senior citizen population in the isolated municipalities of Hokkaido, Japan. The main city services are offered on a fixed phone with a very simple interface. This makes it easy for people to order public transport for their medical appointments, 访问最新的新闻和事件, 甚至与邻居互动. With this service, 老年人可以在家里呆更长时间, even in isolated areas, 同时享受与社区的联系. New digital services also enable better support for people with reduced mobility. New location services make it easier to locate equipment and access points such as wheelchairs, 以及一个位置是否可到达.

Digital developments have also found a place beyond business and municipal requirements. 在教育领域,ALE推出了 Rainbow Classroom platform. 在大流行的封锁期间, when schools were closed, Rainbow Classroom allowed classes to continue with students learning in a remote environment. Today, 当孩子们回到学校, Rainbow Classroom continues to provide an alternative environment for children who cannot be physically present at school. With Rainbow Classroom they can be digitally included in the classroom, follow the lessons, 和他们的同学一起参与. 除了方便他们继续学业之外, 这也打破了他们当前环境的孤立.

ALE also continues to make conscientious decisions when it comes to the environment by participating in projects that support a shift to renewable energy transport that can help reduce the global carbon footprint. ALE is supporting the RATP Bus2025 plan which will see the implementation of electric buses. 连接公交车站的自动化网络, 会在车站的每个公交站收集信息吗, 比如能耗和出行时间, which will help optimise routes and provide a positive impact on the environment.

我们是公民, as employees and as a company to enabling technology in a meaningful way for the betterment of our society. ALE is actively involved in a number of causes with commitments around the globe. For example, for a number of years now we have been providing technological support to Mercy Ship, the floating hospital that travels the seas and oceans providing free medical care to people in the most disadvantaged areas.

我们也致力于确保我们的产品, 解决方案和应用, 生态设计是为了消耗尽可能少的能源吗, and that the components, materials and the entire manufacturing chain are environmentally friendly.

Our hybrid solutions are built on existing infrastructure and enhanced with new services, 而不是更换设备然后送到垃圾填埋场. 环境影响是立竿见影的. Most notably, we are very proud to have recently received our renewed Ecovadis Silver Medal award which places us in the top 10% of companies worldwide committed to being the most environmentally friendly, ethical, diverse and inclusive.

Read our customer references to learn more about how ALE technologies are changing lives through inclusivity and innovation.

Philippe Bletterie

Philippe Bletterie

SVP Sales, Focus Countries and Strategic Verticals Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Philippe leads an international team responsible of the company’s go to markets, value propositions and strategic and specialized partnerships for the Government and Defense, Healthcare, Education, Transport, 能源及公用事业板块. Philippe is also in charge of the business strategy governance with the best performing countries.

在担任现职之前, 在他20年的国际经验中, Philippe held different positions in Alcatel-Lucent and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise including Sales leader for Government sector in Europe, 网络业务支持主管, 呼叫中心解决方案主管, 视觉传达解决方案领先, Corporate Strategist, 终端产品线经理, R&D developer in core PBXs and Export Manager in charge of mobile networks infrastructure and intelligent networks deployment across the globe. 

Philippe holds a master’s degree in engineering from Grenoble Polytechnic National Institute (INPG).





而人工智能可以减少工作量, 提供新型保护,增强适应性, 这也带来了新的风险.



An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.

A man looking at a laptop


Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity

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A modern, 校园范围内的网络升级与学术能力保持一致, 今天和明天的研究和业务重点. 
